So. Let's have a quick catch up, before we get to the lions. Here are some things that have happened lately:
The Edible Cinema team were excited to design and deliver a very special edition for the UK premiere of Wreck It Ralph at the Electric Cinema in Portobello. Glamorous guests included the film’s stars Sarah Silverman and John C. Reilly, as well as Nick Grimshaw (who has a cameo in the film) and Pixie Geldof. Guests wolfed down a ten course taster menu, which was pronounced the perfect accompaniment to the Academy Award nominated film.
Teatime was called in to perform a little last minute magic for a client this month: transform a tired old staff room into a slick made-to-measure venue for a pitch meeting with a high profile luxury fashion brand. The location - Abbey Rd Studios - was perfectly iconic, but the space (the only one available at short notice, and not usually available for hire) was decidedly not.
Fortunately designing and building a room-inside-a-room on the fly is pretty easy when you have the wonderful Invisible Blue to work with: miracles were performed with plenty of time to spare, even in the middle of a snowstorm. The only items in the serene space shown above that were part of the original room are the carpet and the wall mounted tv/speaker set. Fabric clad walls, suspended muslin ceiling, lighting, shelves and of course furniture, flowers and props... all brought together to create the perfect pitch environment.

The Edible Cinema team worked double time in February with only a two week gap between Wreck It Ralph and the public screening of Some Like It Hot at the Aubin in Shoreditch. We were so pleased to work on this classic film because everyone - literally everyone - loves it, including us. Our menu included a lavender, lime and gin ‘Jell-o on springs’, ‘The Fuzzy End of the Lolly Pop’ comprised of whisky toffee, candyfloss and charcoal, a slippery, fruity ‘Shell Oil!’ served in an oyster shell and our favourite ‘Blood and Gunsmoke’, a smoked victoria sponge with beetroot buttercream and blood orange syrup - yum!

Teatime has collaborated with Blanch and Shock to design and deliver a menu of primary flavours as part of Grey Goose's 'Taste Studio' initiative, served exclusively at the Grey Goose Loft in the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse. Anyone lucky enough to be flying Virgin Upper Class via Heathrow in the next few weeks can drop in, sample the flavours, decide which they like best and enjoy a Grey Goose cocktail designed to amplify their favoured flavour palette. Our quality control procedure required us to sample all the cocktails, and we can vouch for their deliciousness (hic).
In other news, Polly was quoted in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail over the weekend, on the subject of serving dinner guests takeaway. As usual a nuanced opinion (fine if you have an emergency, but honestly if you have time to warm plates you have time to throw together a lovely salad) was boiled down (not ok to serve takeaways). But still, it's always nice to be asked!
We had the pleasure of enjoying two lovely venues over the weekend: Dodford Manor and the Kings Head Members Club. It was our second visit to Dodford Manor, a lovely barn style wedding venue in Northamptonshire that offers a super high end finish for extremely reasonable rates. It's also very accessible from London - only an hour up the M1! It was wonderful to get out from the grey cloud covering London and into the warm sunshine.
On Sunday we attended a very glamorous birthday party for singers Bishi and Viktoria Modesta and stylist/art director Leo Belicha at KHMC, a new members club in Dalston.
Bishi with Shingai from the Noisettes
From the outside it looks like a derelict pub, but step through the door and you encounter an eclectic, plush interior stuffed full of taxidermy and red velvet. We counted one peacock, two polar bears, two lions, a tiger, an ocelot, an aviary's worth of exotic birds and a room completely panelled with cases of mounted butterflies, across the three floors. Oh, and a leaping tiger set atop the central island of the ground floor bar. It really is quite something.
It's only been open a week, so operations-wise it's still finding it's feet - and it doesn't really seem like the polish of Soho House would be appropriate here anyway - but it's already offering a warm welcome and it seems very well attuned to the needs and aspirations of the local area. We suspect this is going to be the place to be in E8 for the foreseeable future... and we can't wait to book it for a client.
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